Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The St. Jude's Trike-A-Thon was a BLAST for the children last Friday!  They had so much fun riding their bikes at school, and it was all for such a great cause.  Thank you Brighton Families for making this fundraiser such a huge success for St. Jude's!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

We are doing the St. Jude's Trike-A-Thon this week at Brighton.  The children are so excited about bringing their bikes to school this Friday to ride them.  Every day, they are learning a little bit more about bicycle safety, and they are raising funds to help support children, like themselves, who are sick.  It is such a great cause, and we are very proud of the kids that have put effort into raising money to help "Brighton" our community a little bit more!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

April's Theme for the month is "Cowboys, Dunes & Deserts."  The children will be able to dress as a cowboy or cowgirl for the day, tomorrow, April 9th, for our "Go Western Day."  Their imaginations will run wild throughout the month, as they ride a burrow and make a campfire. Sing along with howling coyotes in the moonlight. Try to find shade beneath their homemade cactus. Close their eyes only to find themselves bumping on the back of a camel. Deserts may be dry, but they are still full of life!