Sunday, February 15, 2015

Take Time for Yourself!

Take Time for Yourself!
By Brandi Watterson

There are many reasons we justify not taking time for ourselves.  Maybe we feel guilty setting aside “me time” when there are so many other important things that need to be done.  Maybe it is because we feel like if we did set aside time for ourselves, we would be putting our own needs in front of our children or our spouse.  Our responsibilities as parents, with our jobs, with the chores around the house and numerous other commitments, often prevent us from dedicating much needed time for ourselves.  We can’t get rid of anything on our to do list, which often times feels never ending, but we can learn how to fit ourselves in, juggling our schedule a bit, in order to make the time we have be as efficient as possible.  Once you take the initiative to schedule yourself as a priority, you will begin to see the benefits far outweigh the excuses.

With life as busy as it is now days, it feels impossible to take a break from our hectic schedules, so we just keep moving forward until we are completely drained.  Squeezing in just a little time here or there for ourselves, often leads to an overwhelming feeling that we need to be there for our loved ones, or other commitments in our lives for that matter, not ourselves! However, we want to be there when we can be all there, not just physically, but to the best of our ability.  We want to be on our job when we can be the most effective.  We want to be the best parent or spouse, when we are spending time with them.  In every area of our lives, we need to be all there.  Being pulled in so many different directions, no matter how well you balance them, does require some type of “personal time” for you, in order to be the best you can be.  Below are 3 Reasons why you should take time for yourself in order to be all there for others!

1.    Time off Replenishes You

In order to approach all of your commitments to the best of your ability, you must dedicate time for yourself to replenish.  Doing so will actually help you to become an even better you.  I know from experience how important “me time” is.  I would find myself filling up my calendar, feeling stretched in so many different areas, wearing different hats throughout the day, that by that night, I was exhausted, and dreaded doing it all over again the next day.  Don’t get me wrong, I had learned to balance my full plate, but I left a key ingredient out….time for myself!  No wonder I was drained.  No wonder I dreaded repeating my schedule each day.  You see, I loved everything that I did, but it was tiring.  In order for me to continue to be the best spouse, parent, employee, volunteer, etc., I needed to treat myself to some sort of relaxation.  A hard lesson to learn, but once accomplished, rewarding not only to yourself, but also to everyone else in your life.

2.    Time off Helps You to be More Effective

We feel like we are the most effective when we check everything off our list of “to do’s” for the day.  Don’t get me wrong, that is effective time management, which many people struggle to accomplish.  However, ask yourself this question, how effective am I while at work, or home with the family?  Am I just going through the motions, doing what I need to get done?  Am I physically there, but am not all in simply because I’m worn out?  If you answered yes to any of those questions, it would be wise to reevaluate how much time you are dedicating to yourself.  Often, we are stretched so thin, that we don’t have enough of “us” left to give.  You can only go so long before you reach burn out, and forcing yourself to continue on in this fashion becomes a burden instead of a blessing.  In essence, it can change your perspective on life.  Instead of being thankful you have a job, you dread it.  Instead of looking at taking care of your children or spouse as a blessing, you feel burdened by the added responsibility.  Taking the time for yourself, whether it is through 30 minutes a day, or an hour per week, not only gives you something to look forward to, but also causes a rippling effect.  Your down time gives you the opportunity to start the next day to the best of your ability, thus making you feel refreshed and allowing you to be more effective in every area.

3.    Time off Enriches Your Life

Once you decide to take the time for yourself, and implement it on a regular basis into your life, you begin to see positive change.  Your outlook on life begins to evolve.  Before, you may have looked at your responsibilities as a burden, simply because you were drained.  Setting aside “personal time” to treat yourself calms you, helps you to return to your commitments refreshed, allowing you to approach life with a new perspective.  When you are able to address life’s demands with a positive outlook, you experience a different attitude towards your responsibilities, are able to be all there, and feel a sense of enrichment in all areas of your life. 

Please don’t misinterpret what I’m saying.  I know full well that taking time for “you” does not alleviate all negative feelings we experience from time to time.  Time off does not mean that you will never feel stretched too thin, or anxious about the heavy load you may carry.  However, once you actively implement “personal time” for yourself, the big picture is changed.  Some days may be more trying than others, but having a healthy balance that includes time for “you,” leads to positive results.  Not only are you able to approach different situations with a fresh perspective, but you are also able to lead a life that has a healthy balance of responsibilities and time for yourself, making things more manageable, thus changing your outlook on your list of “to do’s.”

“Personal time” is different for every person.  Some people may need 30 minutes to an hour everyday, while others may just need an hour or two per week.  It could be through diving into a good book every night, watching a favorite show with your spouse during the week, or getting involved in some sort of extra curricular activity that refreshes you.  There is a healthy balance though.  The time we take for ourselves should not take away from our other commitments, but should rather enable us to be better at them.  We need to set aside a little time here and there to replenish, so that we can be there to the best of our ability for others, and for the tasks ahead.  Come to the realization that you are important, what you do in life is important, and in order to effectively accomplish your time commitments, you must replenish so you can effectively accomplish your responsibilities and live a more enriched life by doing so.

Brandi Watterson
Brighton Academy, Owner
10400 Gosling Rd.
The Woodlands, TX 77381

Friday, February 6, 2015

Turn the Tables on Life's Busy Guilt!

Turn the Tables on Life’s Busy Guilt!

     With our schedules so busy at this day in time, it is very easy to let guilt creep in when it comes to the time you spend with your family.  Maybe it’s the feeling of missing pivotal moments in our children’s lives, or that we are not there every waking moment for them.  It could be that we tend to put our children before our spouse, which just builds upon the guilt that we already carry.  We feel strapped for time, and desire to spend quality time with our loved ones.  We live in a society to where we feel the pressure to “do it all.”  In turn, tension builds as we try to squeeze all of life’s demands in.  Feeling overwhelmed yet? Well, for those of you that constantly live with guilt, there is hope!  Quantity is way over rated.  What is important is the quality time you spend with your children and family.  It is all about prioritizing your life, and making the best of the moments we do have.

Your day has begun as it usually does, up at the break of dawn, getting ready for work, getting your children ready & fed, a quick good bye to your spouse, then off to take the kids to school, then work for yourself.  At the end of the day, you are exhausted, but still have to tend the to needs of your family.  Getting dinner on the table, whether you cooked or ordered out.  Settling your little one in for the night with their bath and bedtime rituals.  Then, let’s not forget, you still need to help your older children with homework, do some chores around the house that are never ending, clean up after dinner and get ready for bed yourself.  Oh, and all of this was without any down time for you.  It is an endless cycle that happens for the majority of the week.  We are so busy dealing with life’s demands, that we are missing it.  Missing out on taking the time to spend with the one’s most dear to us.  Sure, we take care of their everyday needs, but we are missing out on the relationship aspect.  It may seem impossible to squeeze in, however, it is necessary. 

3 Ways to Tackle “Busy Guilt:”

1.    Take the time right now to jot down what is most important to you in regards to your family:
     Written words on paper help us to fully grasp the idea of what we desire, and then it’s easier to put them into action.  Maybe you wrote something as simple as “to have more time during the day with my kids,” or “to be able to balance things better in my life, so I can be a better parent and spouse.”  These are common feelings that we all experience.  Instead of living with guilt, thinking this is just the way life is, bring change! 

2.    Go for Quality time, not Quantity time:
      It’s important to schedule time during the day that ends up being quality time, not quantity.  You can do so by scheduling relationship-building activities throughout your week.  Doing so will not only decrease the amount of guilt you may be feeling, but will also enhance your relationship with your family. We often justify quantity time because we are physically there with our family, but quantity is not what builds relationships, quality does. 

3.    Be Intentional about your calendar:
     In the morning, maybe you are able to wake up a little bit earlier, make a simple breakfast, and eat as a family before your day starts.  Once you get the kids after work, do something special with them, like stopping by the park, or going home and playing a board game with them before all the nightly rituals begin.  Maybe it’s stopping by the ice cream store one day, then, baking a special treat together right when you get home the next.  There are so many different ideas that you can come up with that will fit your family, and the stage you’re in right now.  Treat your family activities as your number 1 priority, not allowing your other scheduled events to over ride the quality time you set aside for your kids and spouse.

Stay motivated to be intentional with your calendar.  As mentioned before, our lives are so busy, that it’s easy for time to get away, and our daily routines end up ruling us.  Schedule as much quality time during the day with your family as you can.  Whether it’s having meals together, having game nights once per week, reading a good book together, or having one on one date nights with each of your children & your spouse.  Make it happen.  Schedule time for your self as well.  As the old adage goes, “If momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.”  Taking care of yourself is crucial for you to be the best that you can be.  And let’s not forget our spouses…they need our attention too.  If we make our significant other feel important and special, showing them that they are worth our time, that feeds down to our children.  You are leading by example, displaying the importance of a healthy relationship.  Putting your spouse first will make for a strong family unit, thus giving your children confidence and security in their home life. 

It may not be possible to schedule good, quality time every single day, but make the most of the week.  Even if it’s on the weekends, you putting forth the effort to make the most of this season in life right now is something you will never regret.  The sense of guilt that you feel constantly will ease, you will notice your family unit growing closer together, and will naturally feel as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.  Remember, be intentional with the time you have, going for quality over quantity.  We all get 24 hours in a day, make yours count! 

Brandi Watterson
Brighton Academy, Owner
10400 Gosling Rd.
The Woodlands, TX 77381

Friday, January 30, 2015

Every Preschooler's Dilemma: To Share or Not to Share

Every Preschooler’s Dilemma: To Share or Not to Share
Teaching your child how to share can be a frustrating process for you as a parent.  After all, we want our children to be nice & generous with their peers.  However, it is often a tough concept for young ones to learn, but a very important social skill that should not be avoided. It is difficult for children to think beyond the immediate future, and most do not have a very good grasp of time.  Having to patiently wait their turn, while watching another child play with their toy is hard. “Preschoolers are just learning that it feels good to give and that it’s fun to share with friends,” says Roni Leiderman, associate dean of the Family Center at Nova Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.  As parents, we can help this process by beginning to talk about the importance of sharing, celebrating their generosity, and gently discouraging the times when they are a little less apt to share.
Helpful Steps To Take:
Make Sharing Fun: There are many activities you can do with your child that will positively reinforce their ability to share.  Participate in a project together around the house, such as baking a cake.  Start by taking turns with the ingredients, which not only teaches them patience while it’s your turn, but also how to share with the necessary steps.  At the end you have a wonderful treat, and had fun while doing it.  Other activities could include putting a puzzle together by taking turns with the pieces, or playing a cooperative game that leads to a common goal for the both of you.  While at school, incorporate the concept of sharing by sending stickers for your child to give to all of their friends.  Something as small as this instills the love of giving teaching them that is fun to share!
Use Positive Reinforcement:  It is natural for a child to be impulsive with their sharing habits, however, how we react to them when they are reluctant to share can make all the difference in the world. Disciplining your child verbally, or forcing them to give over a toy they are insisting on keeping, can cause resentment instead of generosity.  “To encourage sharing, use positive reinforcement rather than admonishment,” Leiderman says.  When your child does decide to share, praise them with your words, letting them know how proud that makes you.  There are times when your child will want to hold back on certain items, such as a brand new toy, or one that holds a special place in their heart.  This is completely normal at this age, and it’s ok for them to hold onto some toys tighter than others.  Help them to choose some toys that they are willing to share with others, and set aside the special ones. As your child grows, they will come to realize how fun it is to play with their toys and their friends, and will begin to show more consistency with their sharing habits.
Be Their Rold Model:  Your child is observing you, and when they see that you share, it makes a strong impression upon them, and in turn, they will begin to do so as well.  Take the time to reinforce this skill by doing little things, such as halving your brownie with your child, letting your little girl wear a pair of high heels around the house, or your little boy play a special game on your phone.  Ask for them to share something with you as well, which only further helps their understanding of the whole idea of what it is to be generous.  Sharing is such an important social skill that they will need for the rest of their lives.  Start while they are young, make it fun, stay consistent & model the act of sharing in front of them.  Your child will begin to grasp the whole concept over time, which will only set them up for success in the future.

Brandi Watterson
Owner of Brighton Academy
10400 Gosling Rd.
The Woodlands, TX 77381