Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Open House for Brighton-Tuesday September 28th at 6:30!

It is our annual open house tonight at Brighton Academy.  This is a time for all current families to see what their children have been working on thus far this year, as well as for potential families that are looking for a place for their precious little ones every day.  There will be desserts, coffee and time to visit with your children's teachers.  We look forward to seeing everyone tonight from 6:30pm to 7:30pm!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

School Picture Day at Brighton!

Today we are having our fall school pictures taken!  It is an exciting day as all the children are anxiously awaiting their turn.  Such a big event for all the little ones!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

PreK 3's and PreK 4's Garden Project

The PreK 3's and PreK 4's began their garden project yesterday.  It was an exciting event as each child was able to plant their very own seeds.  They will be responsible every day to water their seeds, and will be able to enjoy watching them sprout and grow right before their eyes!  

September's Theme: Family Tree, Pets and Me!

September's Theme:  Family Tree, Pets and Me!  Start the school year off learning about family and friends. Explore emotions and what makes us feel the way we do. Discover ideas for building friendships while learning through puzzles, cutting activities, and literacy filled fun. Make a family tree and a pet dog, smell grandma's apple pie ingredients and throw a surprise party in this close to home theme.