Friday, June 24, 2011

Welcome Baby Aydan!

We would like to welcome baby Aydan to the Brighton Family! One of our sweet teachers gave birth Thursday, June 23rd to a beautiful baby boy. Congratulations from all of us at Brighton!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Brighton has been featured in this month, under the featured momtrepreneur tab on their website. Be sure to check out the article!

You can also access the article from our facebook page.

Monday, June 20, 2011

American Eagle Day!

June 20th is American Eagle Day, which is a day for raising awareness for protecting the Bald Eagle! The children will learn about the Bald Eagle & the environment in which they live, by doing fun educational activities & art projects. It should be a fun & exciting day of learning for all!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Flag Day

Celebrated every June 14th in the USA, millions of Americans observe Flag Day by waving Old Glory outside their homes and businesses. Veteran's groups and sometimes whole communities also arrange civic functions and special ceremonies in honor of Flag Day. Although still not an official holiday, Flag Day was made a permanent observance in America in 1949 by Congress who resolved "That the 14th day of June of each year is hereby designated as Flag Day." We believe it's very important to set that example & teach the children by doing some fun flag day activities & lessons that will help them to always observe this important day in history, as well as to always honor "Old Glory."

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Kona Ice & Splash Day!

Today Kona Ice came to visit Brighton, and the children enjoyed eating snow cones on this hot summer day, along with having a splash day outside! Kone Ice will be coming every Wednesday this summer...a great treat to look forward to each week!