Friday, April 29, 2011

St. Jude's Trike-A-Thon Today!

Today the children are participating in the St. Jude's Trike-A-Thon. Trike-A-Thon is a fun, week-long safety curriculum and fundraising program that supports St. Jude. The program is a great way to teach children valuable riding-toy safety lessons, which they learn from Bikewell Bear® and Pedals the Bunny® through educational materials provided by St. Jude. At the end of the week, children bring their riding-toys to school to celebrate the lessons they have learned and their fundraising success for St. Jude. It is a very valuable lesson that the children will always remember!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Summer Camp for School Age Children!

Summer camp for your school age children is going to be a blast this year! There are so many different fun activities and field trips planned this year....Kona Ice Day, Children's Museum, Potteryland, Playball week and much more. The children will be fascinated by the theme of each day of the week where they will be making discoveries as explorers, experimenting with weird science & becoming famous artists themselves! To learn more about this program, please call the front office, or stop by to visit.

281-465-4111 or email us at .

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Easter!

The children really enjoyed the egg hunt, which was donated by the Ladies Auxiliary VFW this morning. Thank you all very much for being so kind to treat our children to a fun Easter tradition. This afternoon, each classroom will be having their Easter parties. Parents are welcome to attend if able. Everyone always looks forward to celebrating these special holidays. Just a friendly reminder that we will be closed in observance of Good Friday, tomorrow, April 22nd. Happy Easter from the Brighton Staff!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt & Parties this Thursday!

The children are getting very excited about our big Easter Egg hunt & Easter parties on Thursday! The eggs for the hunt have been donated by the Ladies Auxiliary VFW, and we are very thankful to all of them for their generous donation!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Leonardo da Vinci's Birthday!

In honor of Leonardo da Vinci's birthday, the children will create some of their own original pieces of art today, all while learning more about this painter, sculptor and inventor! Celebrating different artist's birthdays from the past is a fun way for the children to be exposed to important work of art. Today, they will see one of his most famous paintings, The Mona Lisa.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Happy World Health Day!

In 1948, the World Health Organization held the First World Health Assembly. The Assembly decided to celebrate 7th April of each year, with effect from 1950, as the World Health Day. The World Health Day is celebrated to create "awareness of a specific health theme to highlight a priority area of concern for the World Health Organization (WHO)". Activities - related to that particular theme and the resources provided - continue beyond 7th April.

The Children will be learning about the importance of being healthy, and will go over different ideas as far as keeping our planet healthy as well.  

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

One Day Without Shoes

One Day Without Shoes is an annual event hosted by TOMS Shoes in which students, friends, parents, strangers, and co-workers host or participate in events without shoes. Some go without shoes for an hour, some for the whole day, but all become a part of a greater movement toward change. The children will be wearing socks today to experience what it's like to be without shoes, gaining a better appreciation of what they have, and how they can help others!